Q&A: Jan Cavalli
When people ask me what I do for a living, I tell them… (and their reaction is)…
NO WAY! At 40 you started to model…how? They usually follow up with a “well good for you” which is nice. It’s nice to be nice eh! Before I was a model, I worked as a freelance IT Systems engineer and web designer. Not forgetting my most coveted title ‘Dad’. My daughters think my career as a model is…”so cool” although they find it slightly disturbing that their friends have pictures of me as screen savers on their phones at college. They love it really…
The story of how I got discovered is…
My brother heard about the HOM underwear model competition on ITV’s This Morning. He called me up and told me to go for it. He said “You’re ripped, get on with it.” At that point, Chantal (my wife) said “Get upstairs and get your little pants on. I’m taking photos and entering you.” Of course I did as I was told and gave it a stab, even though in my mind I wondered who’d wanna see me, the old geezer in his pants!”
Any life regrets?
I don’t regret…ANYTHING no regrets, your actions and experiences no matter good or bad are part of your journey, if you made one thing change, switched just one minute decision that you made in the past you would not be where you are today! The only thing you have control over is your future…life’s what you make it.
My favourite feature is my… I don’t have one!
I’m just a regular guy with an amazing opportunity. But I am quite proud of my physique.
My least favorite feature is my…
Smile…. I had a pretty horrendous surfing accident a few years ago. I smashed my face to bits! Broken nose, cheek bones, split my bottom lip in half. Also had my top lip stitched back into my gums as I tore it away. I know gross eh. But you asked ;0) So I have never felt that my smile was the same after.
My greatest career high to date is…
Shooting my first international underwear campaign for HOM. I am very proud to have represented such a prestigious company, and for me to work alongside guy’s in their 20’s. I feel truly blessed to have the opportunity thanks to Unsigned.

Q&A: Jet Axel
When people ask me what I do for a living, I tell them… (and their reaction is)…
I tell them that finding stable employment in London is hard. The only reaction that would really matter to me is “Oh, I can get you a job!”
Music plays a huge part in my life because…
I can’t imagine my life without it. Music is this pure and beautiful form of expression that can invoke all these incredible feelings, and there’s so much of it. It’s a whole world you can totally immerse yourself in at any time. It can cheer you up and it can pull you down. It’s the one thing, that as long as my ears continue to work, will always be there for me, regardless of how bad things get.
My favourite feature is my… (and why)
It feels like a cliché to say my eyes, so I’m going to go with my mind. My mind is an okay place.
My least favourite feature is my… (and why)
My arms, definitely my arms. They’re very skinny, and people love to point that out to me. Do you think I didn’t notice?
When I was 16…
I was the most socially inept teenager on the planet. At that point I’d managed to totally alienate myself from all my ‘friends’ at school. Luckily this was also around the time I befriended most of my current friends, who are incredible people. I love them all; not that I’d tell them that.
The last time I saw the sunrise…
…I threw my arms up into the air and yelled “praise the sun!”
For me, beauty means…
Surpassing or subverting expectation in a way that moves me emotionally.
My greatest career high to date is…
What career?

Q&A: Josh Bartley
When people ask me what I do for a living, I tell them… (and their reaction is)…
When I reply I’m a model, their reaction is almost instantly is, “Which celebs have you met/know?” Once that’s been said it goes onto, how did I get into it, who have I shot for, etc. and that I must live a intense life style.
The story of how I got discovered is…
Well the story of how I got scouted by Cesar Perin was bizarre. My close friend Hisham asked me to come out of town and take a trip out to Manchester as he was trying to uplift my mood as I had just came out of a long relationship. After some convincing I decided to go. I was in Manchester city where I was shopping and I spilt a drink on my top so I thought I would run into Primark to just get a throw away t-shirt but the que inside was ridiculous so I scraped that idea. As I left the shop merely meters ahead a heard a yell. It was Cesar as he come running over to me shouting “Beautiful.” I thought ok this is a bit weird. He then asked me if I had ever thought about modeling and that it’s a must. My first reaction was this is a scam. I’ve heard about this before. We exchanged details and arranged a few polaroids and from there it’s been a dream.
My most important relationship is with…
It has to be with my brothers and sister, mainly my youngest brother because we are only 2 years apart.
My favourite feature is my… (and why)
It has to be my eyes. Although they are a dark brown, I’m always told my eyes are lovely. So that’s the reasoning behind why I like them.
My least favourite feature is my… (and why)
My least favourite feature are my scars although they give me an edge to my look I would like to believe if I didn’t have them my look would be much more cleaner, but on the other hand I could have looked too clean without them.
The last time I saw the sunset…
The last time I saw the sunset was in August last year whilst I was in NYC on top of the Standard hotel roof garden, overlooking the Hudson River. I took the time out of my day to make sure I saw it because it doesn’t come often, seeing such a beautiful sight.
My friends think I…
My friends believe I have one of the best jobs to get into but they also believe it’s also one of the easiest jobs to have, which I would say they have the wrong end of the stick because I respect models that have made a name for themselves because it isn’t easy. The effort that has to go into it. eg: correct diet, gym, enough sleep each night, outshining the rest at castings, making sure your noticed and so on.
My greatest career high to date is…
To this date, it has to be the Tom Ford campaign. It wasn’t just an uplift working for such an iconic brand but it was inspiring. It brings that motivation back in to place allowing me to believe, I actually do have the clean-cut look for higher fashion which is much needed. I felt at home working with such a great team of people.