Q&A: Luke Cooke
When people ask me what I do for a living, I tell them… (and their reaction is)…
I am a professional model and a freelance model maker. They understand and find the modeling cool and interesting, but they do not understand what model making is and some ask what I mean when I say it. Others just ignore it and focus on the modeling.
People would be surprised that…
People seems to be surprised by little things, like that I’m 24 or that I eat a normal diet. I don’t have any shocking revelations to surprise people with. I think im pretty normal, though saying that my friends would say otherwise!
For me, beauty means…
I study at an arts university and wrote my dissertation on what art is, and I consider beauty in an almost identical category to art. Beauty is subjective and unique to a person views and we all have different views. For me beauty isn’t one thing its something that changes depending on what your looking at. A women who you may not consider beautiful might become beautiful when you learn about her personality or a similar to a photo that you may look at with dislike may change when you hear the backstory behind it.
My favourite feature is my… (and why)
My favourite feature is my eyes, my dad has brown eyes, which means I should too, but I got blue eye’s from my mum and I like that. Plus I just really like it when people complement my eyes.
My least favourite feature is my… (and why)
I don’t have a least favourite physical feature, however if you mean any feature about myself I hate my dyslexia it gets in the way of so many things, it has some perks but mostly it’s a pain in the behind, that I’d gladly trade in.
The worst piece of advice I’ve been given is…
“Yeah, just do it! It’ll be fine.” Sounds harmless enough, but me and my friend have gotten into trouble on more than one occasion after asking each other if it’s okay to do things. The problem is we almost always tell the other person it’s okay to do just about anything, stopping just short of the true stupidity.
My friends think I…
Well I asked two of my best mates, one said “I’m a bad person” the other said “I’m a good person just really, really, really, really deep down” so make of that what you will. I’d suggest that you take from it that my friends aren’t half as funny as they think they are cause they love me really.
My greatest career high to date is…
At LC:M in January after one week of being in modeling for Topman and then Burberry. That was pretty awesome.

Q&A: Ross Hindmarch
When people ask me what I do for a living, I tell them?
It depends what I fancy that day. Some days I say rock scientist..other days a gigolo ha! No I tell them I’m a model.
…Their reaction is?
The first reaction nine times out of ten is, ‘oh so you make lots of money then?’ Haha.
People would be surprised that?
Haha, I’ve had a similar question to this before and it’s too rude to share so I will keep it PG and that’s eating food! I love food…best invention ever! Haha.
My favourite feature is my?
It would have to be my hair.
…and why?
I like good hair…who doesn’t and if you get bored of it you can shave it off, simple.
My least favourite feature is my what, and why?
Nothing I’m perfect joking! But to be honest I don’t know, I don’t focus on negatives…where is the benefit in that?
My most important relationship is with?
Gym haha! No it’s important but not most, it would have to be with family and friends that’s a no brainer.
For my last meal on earth, I’d choose?
Hmm, NANDOS! Two Butterfly Chickens, Two Sweet Potato Mash and a load of Balsamic Vinegar, BOOM!
The last time I cried?
I’ll let you know when I do 😉
My greatest career high to date is?
When I worked for Tom Ford on a fragrance campaign, it was in California and I love that place, and getting paid to be there what else do you want? The women were kind
on the eyes too 😉

Q&A: Sam Worth
When people ask me what I do for a living, I tell them… I’m a model (and their reaction is)…
You get all kinds of reactions, people recognize that it is a privileged profession and I’m lucky (which is true), but then they sometimes assume I must be arrogant or love myself (which isn’t true).
Cafe fry up or breakfast at The Wolseley?
Cafe fry up, easy.
My favourite feature is my… (and why)
Probably hair, don’t think I will ever go bald, fingers crossed.
My least favourite feature is my… (and why)
My toes are pretty lanky and weird I reckon.
Music plays a huge part in my life because…
It is the ultimate escapism. No matter where you are or how you feel, music is powerful enough to take you wherever you wanna go for that moment.
The last time I saw the sunrise…
Was at the weekend after a party. I don’t see it very often.
For me, beauty means…
Something that delights the senses and pleases the mind.
My greatest career high to date is…
Walking for Dolce & Gabbana twice in Milan.