The Sartorialist Interviewed

The Fashionisto


Published July 27, 2009


Promoting his latest book, The Globe and Mail’s Amy Verner interviewed The Sartorialist aka Scott Schuman. Here are a couple of gems from the Q&A:

People describe you as a fashion legend.

“Yeah. I’m gonna keep doing it. I love it and I’m going to wear that responsibility. I work my ass off. I was up last night and I shot all day for these commercial projects. The money I make from Burberry, Adidas and will make it possible for me to go to fashion weeks in Milan, Paris, London, New York, Stockholm, Australia – but also to places like Peru, Laos, Tibet. I want to mix in national indigenous style. I want to be able to look back at my pictures and say this was a snapshot, not a report, of my vision when I visited.”

You look fit – just not big like a quarterback.

“I’m pretty good at the sex. And pretty good at picture taking. That’s about it. Garance is pretty happy. And the hotel-room neighbours are pretty pissed. You can write that; that’s totally fine with me.”

You want people to know you’re good in bed?

“Yeah. Yeah.”

Okaaay. Do you shine your own shoes?

“Uh, you know, I would, but there’s actually a place close to me – Cesar’s Shoe Repair – and the guy has stepped up his game since I mentioned him on my site. If he was a five before, he’s now a seven or eight.”

Read more at The Globe and Mail.

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7 thoughts on “The Sartorialist Interviewed”

  1. Wow! I thought this was a joke, so I went back and looked at the article. He comes across as quite a pompous ass. Maybe that’s just his sense of humor?

  2. Man, I hope he just has a weird sense of humor or something. The Q&A started out cool and then just got kinda…. well, lame. Am I alone on this one?

  3. I think the Sartorialist really knows about images, but often the text with his pictures is strangely double-edged, or just gauche. There’s certainly some arrogance here. The attitude will spill into the work before too long. It happens to the best of them when they start lapping up their own press.

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