Tom Ford Talks Marriage-At an Apple Store event April 7th in London, American designer Tom Ford dished on fashion, his love for directing films, raising his son, while also revealing that he had married his partner of 27 years, Richard Buckley. Discussing his relationship with Buckley and making it formal, Ford reveals, “I lost so many friends in college. I would say more than half of my closest friends. Richard, my partner of 27 years, had also gone through something also quite tough in his life. We are now married, which is nice. I know that was just made legal in the U.K. which is great, we were married in the States.”
Adjusting to life with his son, Ford confesses, ‘I can’t come downstairs naked and have a bowl of cereal in the morning, so I get dressed. Before I had a child, I literally took off all my clothes the minute I walked in the door and that was that.” While Ford wants to follow up A Single Man with another film, right now it’s all about fashion. For young adults entering the fashion industry now, Ford reflects, “I think this is the problem today — people come out of school and think they should immediately be a star. In this world, of course you can make a sex video and you can become a star. But I think everyone should be an intern — you should sweep floors, you should pick up pins. You should run errands because you learn so much.”
Tom Ford is one cool guy!