Toronto cop Luke Watson is going viral with a pink dyed hairstyle after he dyed his hair pink in honor of International Day of Pink, which seeks to combat homophobia and bullying. Watson’s colleague Ryan Willmer tweeted that for every 1,000 retweets an image of Watson receives, he will keep his hair pink for another week.
Hey #Twitter if This gets a 1000 RT's @pc8430 will keep the hair 4 a week #DayofPink #stopbullyingnow @TorontoPolice pic.twitter.com/2TGhGykfXe
— Ryan Willmer (@RyanCP23) April 8, 2015
Here is Day 2 of @pc8430 #PinkHair #StopBullyingNow @TheEllenShow pic.twitter.com/waUYDJcVRc
— Ryan Willmer (@RyanCP23) April 10, 2015