Tyson Beckford Dishes on the Industry, “Fashion is Very Racist”

The Fashionisto


Published May 15, 2014

Tyson Beckford attends Montblanc celebration in New York this past AprilPin
Tyson Beckford attends Montblanc celebration in New York this past April

Beckford on Race in the Industry-Supermodel Tyson Beckford recently stopped by HuffPost Live to talk about his participation in the Supermodel Cycle, which will benefit the Boys and Girls Club. However, the topic quickly changed to diversity in fashion and the modeling industry. Beckford shares, “Out of all the industries I find…me personally and I think that a lot of people will agree with me…that fashion is very racist.” He explains how few models of color are cast for jobs these days when compared to their white counterparts, especially for female models. Beckford adds, “This past season during fashion week, you might go to a show and it’s all white girls. Not one Asian or Black or Latino girl was in it. It kind of makes that ethnic race of people feel like they’re not important or being catered to. There’s more diversity needed in it. But fashion is the most racist business out right now.”

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