What Posh Thinks Men Should Wear

The Fashionisto


Published September 15, 2008


spl48748 006Pin“Boys don’t have nearly as much fun with fashion as girls do.”

“One of the nicest outfits on a man is a pair of jeans, some old, messed-up boots, a simple white tee, and a vintage leather belt.”

I get the feeling that Victoria Beckham is not a fan of men who experiment with fashion.  Funny that somehow her husband, David Beckham has become the mainstream poster child of men’s fashion.  However, I don’t recall him ever stepping out of the traditional bounds, which is in line with Victoria’s philosophy.  So the question that runs through my mind is “What does Victoria think about Marc Jacobs and his latest obsession with skirts?”  I imagine she is the type of friend who would put you on blast as soon as you left as the room.  How catty!  Well to be honest, I probably would too.  Personally, I don’t like the look.

Scan from Details/October 2008
Picture from My MANy Bags

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6 thoughts on “What Posh Thinks Men Should Wear”

  1. LOL.

    I like Victoria’s new hairdo though. Who ever made up her face during the MJ show must be reprimanded though… her face is just soooo white, it doesn’t even match the skin tone of her body. LOL.

  2. I seriously don’t understand the fascination with Mrs. Beckham. She is not a fashion icon, no matter how many times she gets a new hair-do or tucks a crisp t-shirt into a fitted pencil skirt.

    I read that she absolutely abhors tight pants on men. On another note, David Beckham isn’t all that special.

    Maybe I’m bitter.

  3. I hate Victoria’s new do. It looks like someone just carelessly hacked away at her hair.

    I LOVE Victoria, because she comes across as taking herself so seriously and I find that hilarious.

  4. David Beckam actually did step out from the traditional bounds of mens fashion in the early days of his stardom and relationship with Victoria. He wore a sarong. Granted it looked awful but atleast he had a go. Im guessing Posh has styled him ever since.

    Google image search David Beckham Sarong for pictorial evidence.

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